KneeVR — virtual reality in healthcare

Jonathan De Venter
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2018


By complementing the recovery proces of knee injuries (more specifically ACL (anterior cruciate ligament-related treatments) with AR/VR gamification will enable patient to recover quicker and in more enjoyable conditions.

Close to 4 million euro subsidies have been allocated the past ten years for a grand total of 51 projects. These grants amounts to a maximum of 50% of the total project costs. Like this, the Flemish province spends 547.104 euro on four new innovative and socially relevant projects. In collaboration with the KUL, U-Sentric, GRIT Belgian Sports Clinic, Health house and UCLL did CronosLeuven/Previewlabs win the project KneeVR for which they will develop a VR prototype.

Innovation in medical rehabilitation

Knee injuries are rather frequent with athletes, both professionals and amateurs. A reconstruction of the ACL is common surgical option with the athlete’s objective to be able to completely resume his or her sporting activities. Downside is that the patient is facing a long and boring recovery. For months on end, preforming the same set of exercises is not exactly stimulating.

The newest technologies such as AR/VR could enhance this proces by adding a gamification element. KneeVR aims to develop a personalised virtual environment where recovery is stimulated through fun exercises, variability and personal feedback.

This application will be an eye-catcher for international visitors to the Health House, a visiting center with as central theme healthcare where KneeVR will be displayed and demonstrated. A remarkable, multidisciplinary team is collaborating on it.

Role CronosLeuven / Previewlabs in the KneeVR project.

CronosLeuven / PreviewLabs are always exploring the frontier of new technology. Over the past eight years Previewlabs have delivered more than 150 software prototypes, often using AR/VR solutions or other kinds of cutting-edge gaming tech. Examples for the medical sector include a skin surgery prototype, a VR game for young hemiplegic patients, and a Kinect game for anxiety research.

Using an iterative process, CronosLeuven / PreviewLabs not only try to translate the vision of the client into a solid prototype. They also try to challenge that vision by suggesting radical ideas or recommending certain decisions.

For KneeVR, CronosLeuven / PreviewLabs will handle the development of the prototype. After its concept and features are defined in a brainstorm, they create the first iteration of one or more ideas, allowing all partners to decide on the prototype that is the best fit for the project. Consequently, the prototype will be further developed in next iterations.

Tine Van Lommel introduces KneeVR to the public.
Part of #multidisciplinary the team

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